Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bo(r)n Appetite

I don’t know what it takes to be a ‘Blogger’? But what I need is not a ‘good-vibe-in-me-to-make-me-funny’ but an inert yet expressive take on fame from my side. (BLOGGER sounds so cheesy.)Why on earth people should read what I write or think or conspire when there does exist lot more to do which can help them gain something good to ensure their balls hang around in cozy and safe surroundings. Yeah we know there are lots hanging on to them!

I don’t know why? But I often find people around me who believe that ‘I can write’. It’s unbelievable for me.  And for these believers I thrive. I may have read a few books, heard a few songs, learned a trick or two, preached a dickhead and a smartass…but that ‘qualification’ is just not enough to prove that I have read a few books, heard a few songs, learned a trick or two, preached a dickhead and a smartass. Isn’t it?

Writing means a serious business. Writing shit is more serious. And as destiny would have it (with extra cheese) I am ‘well-known’ for my seriousness in any thing that I do,  that people actually finds it funny. A few Facebook status message uploads, that caused quite a few calamities and a few tweets here and there, gave me enough morphine to push my writing in to a more rigorous training spree without any pain in the pichara. Let me see till how extent I can prove not to be Kalamadic towards my believers and keep the common health and wealth of all in ship shape.

There exists intellects and there exists not. I’m happy to be in the second category. You need to agree that social-networking has given rise to the intellectual in everyone to wakeup from the vibration mode to ‘Blaring Beiber ringtones.’ And here they are explaining ‘Life is…’ and solving the Rubik cube of a problem discussing Lokpal Bill to Bill Gates to Electricity Bills to Conserving some weirdo looking Birds and their god-for-saken Bills and things ad infinitum. ‘Me’ for none, but to make the best use of my ‘precious’ time in the…office, as I stay 'busy' most of the other time. Don’t expect that in any /*beep*\ way you will gain even an iota of perky supplement for your voracious brain. Then ‘why the /*beep*\ should you read it?’ has an apt answer. Well, my swearing and cuss words are fucking censored shit and safe for homely environment, given Home is where the heart is.

Enough of an ‘opening act’ to prepare yourself for the BIGGER n SUCKIER gig that will really make you do some serious head-banging, tripping on the looniest of dope and jumping around in the craziest of  mosh-pit. Sounding like a Rock concert? Oh, gimme a break…I may be an Idiot but I do ROCK! (All rockers are Idiots with brains.)

(N:B:- In whatever I write, I will leave a moral behind {(thanks & RIP Fr. Albano)}. If you don find any you are free to ask…your neighbour.)



  1. Good start...and here goes the first comment on ur first blog from ur first follower.... i liked the way u write...and i guess some ppl can read anything and i am not one of now u wud kno that at least u have one fan in this world who likes wat u write...and yea even i will count myself in one of those rockstars who are idiots with brains....

  2. Hey, here is another fan of yours. Your writting is engaging and full of punch. you definately rock.

  3. nicely written always.....from the intestines...

  4. mr.manic manoxh...

    really dunno what to say. but then, u the wordsmith. i can only wish u all the very best bro..!

  5. nice words nice English ...from the writing ds way all the very best \

  6. Intestine ha ... nice ... your intestine speaks a lot and a bit different. Nice .. lets see what in store for the world. ATB

  7. Get goin. Looking fwd fr sme gud pieces.
